Get help

To start using the command line, first, you need to check if the installation has been created in C:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo

In that folder, there is a command file with .bat extension with the name batchqueue.bat that is in charge of starting the application.

It can be invoked from any folder of the machine, you can put it in the PATH of the system if you want or start with the complete path. ex:


In the following descriptions, it will be assumed that it has been executed from the windows command window:

					cd C:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo

or the system path has been set to the route C:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo

For general help on the use of the application use the following command:

					c:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo> batchqueue –help


The result of the command will be:

					AI.Dielmo command line interface. batchqueue
Starting ApplicationQueue v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT using Java on YOURMACHINE with PID 11696 (C:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo\AI.Dielmo.batch.jar started by jcelda
in c:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo)
No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
Started ApplicationQueue in 3.517 seconds (JVM running for 5.336)

parameter jobName must be specified. Valid jobNames values:[drawDetectionsJob, blurDetectionsJob, cropImagesJob, drawDetectionsVideoJob, blurDetectionsVideoJob, vectorizeJob]
clue: batchqueue --help --jobName=drawDetectionsJob
Stopping job scheduler queue...

Get help on the parameters of a task type

For help on the parameters supported by a particular task type, use the following command:

					batchqueue –-help –-jobName= <name of task>

ie: Ask for help on the task Mark detections on output images.

					c:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo> batchqueue –help –jobName= drawDetectionsJob
AI.Dielmo command line interface. batchqueue
Starting ApplicationQueue v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT using Java on YOURCOMPUTER with PID 6068 (C:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo\AI.Dielmo.batch.jar started by jcelda in c:\Users\Public\AI.Dielmo)
No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
Started ApplicationQueue in 3.674 seconds (JVM running for 5.473)
Draw detections in image
A job to detect objects and generate output with images detected

   --inputResources   Input Images Directory
   No Default value defined
   Input images Directory. This directory will be scanned for supported images format to process detections.

   --outputResources   Output Detections Directory
   No Default value defined
   The directory where the generated images and output results summary file will be stored.

   --tensorModel   Dielmo dmod model file
   No Default value defined
   A file provided by Dielmo with the trained neuronal network to process detections. Extension should be .dmod


To launch a job with default values:
 --inputResources=somevalue... --outputResources=somevalue... --tensorModel=somevalue... --jobName=somevalue...

Stopping job scheduler queue...


Interpreting the help of task parameters

For each parameter, it is listed:

  • Name (syntax) must be specified as listed.

  • Short description.

  • Default value (if any).

  • Range of supported values (if any).

  • Extended description.

  • Optional: If a parameter is NOT optional and does NOT have a default value, it must be specified. In case it has a default value, it is not necessary to specify it unless you want to overwrite the default value.

At the end of the help, the non-optional parameters with no default value are listed to have a reference on how to queue the task by specifying only these parameters, which are mandatory and have no default value.

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