
Main window

The main screen of the software shows several elements, below each image the function of each element is summarized.

AI.dielmo history tab
History tab
  1. Job selector, you can find the following tasks:

    1. Draw detections in image”. This task takes the list of images in the input folder and saves them in the output by adding a frame with the electrical tower detections made in each image.
    2. Blur detections in image”. This task takes the list of images in the input folder and saves them in the output, blurring the part of the image where the object detections are located. This does not make sense in the case of electrical towers, but it would be useful for blurring faces or license plates if the corresponding model trained to detect such objects is put as input.
    3. Crop best detected object to new image”. This task takes the list of images in the input folder and saves the cropped images with the electrical tower (or the object for which the input model has been trained) that is considered predominant in the image.) For example, if more than one electrical tower is detected in the image, the one that is larger and centered in the input image will be cropped.
    4. Draw detections in video”. It does the same as “Draw detections in image” but with one video input and one video output.
    5. Blur detections in video”. It does the same as “Blur detections in image” but with one video input and one video output.

  1. Delete history, to delete the records from the task list.

  2. Console output, to view the application log.

  3. List of performed tasks.

  4. Task status identification icon.

  5. Button to clone tasks, the tasks can be cloned directly selecting them in the list of realized tasks, being able to modify the configuration of this one.

  6. Button to stop the task, this button forces the stop of the task in progress, being able to resume it later.

  7. Button to continue the task, allows the continuation of a previously stopped task.

AI.dielmo job queue tab
Job queue tab
  1. List of queued tasks.

  2. Enable/disable the processing of queued tasks.
AI.dielmo job detection summary
Job detection summary
  1. Task log panel, to view the log of the selected task.

  2. Copy the log to the clipboard.

  3. Automatic scrolling of the log.

Window to launch a job

In the window for launching a job we can see the following sections.

AI.dielmo window to launch a job
Window to launch a job
  1. Advanced parameters button, to display the advanced parameters.

  2. Button to launch the job, once all the configurations have been reviewed.

  3. Depending on the type of task to be performed, directory or input video.

  4. Depending on the type of task to perform, directory, or name of the output video.

  5. “.dmod” file (trained model) to be used for the job. Depending on the selected model, the task will detect some objects or others. If the model is prepared for object detection by boxes, the detections will be performed by boxes. If the model is prepared for mask detection, the detections will be performed by masks and boxes.
AI.dielmo advanced parameters window
Advanced parameters window

Window with advanced parameters, the parameters are detailed below depending on the task to be performed.

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